FAQ Lab Testing Food Allergy & Vitamins

Food Allergies

What is a Food Allergy?

A food allergy happens when the immune system reacts to a component of the food we eat. It manifests by means of problems in the digestive system, urticaria, or swelling of airways.

Types of food allergies?

Several foods can cause allergies. The most common are milk, nuts, peanuts, shellfish, wheat, soy, eggs.

What is the difference between food allergy and food intolerance?

Food allergy can have effects on organs besides de GI tract, and these organs can react seriously with a range of symptoms, while food intolerance symptoms are usually less serious and mostly limited to the digestive system.

What happens when you have a food allergy?

When you have a food allergy you can get abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, swelling of the face, swelling of the air ways and trouble breathing, as well as itching, or nasal congestion.

What causes a food allergy?

A food allergy happens when the immune system releases chemicals to attack mostly protein components in foods.

What are the 10 most common food allergies?

The 10 most common food allergies are:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Tree nuts
  • Shellfish
  • Fish
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Sesame seeds
Do you have a shell fish food allergy
Modern Therapy Nutrition Food Allergies testing - Are you allegic to Nuts?

What’s the most common food allergy?

There’s no ONE common food allergy. But allergies to milk, eggs, and nuts are common.

Can Food Allergies Be Cured?

Food allergies can’t be cured. But sometimes the body on its own does stop reacting to allergy triggers.

What are three symptoms of a food allergy?

Some of the main symptoms of a food allergy include abdominal pain, trouble breathing, and itching.

What foods help with itchy skin?

Foods rich in Vitamin E (corn, wheat germ, nuts, seeds, spinach and olives), Vitamin C (oranges, grapefruit, green peppers, kiwis, broccoli, cabbage) and Vitamin A (sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, milk, eggs, liver) can help reduce the urge to scratch if you have itchy skin.


How do you stop a food allergy?

You can’t stop a food allergy. But you can treat the symptoms.

How long does a food allergy last in your system?

Food allergic reactions can last up to two hours.

How do I get tested for food allergies?

Testing for allergies can be done based on a skin test and on blood tests.

Can adults develop food allergies?

Yes – adults sometimes develop food allergies.


Heavy Metals Testing

What is Heavy Metals Testing?

Heavy Metals Testing is a test performed based on blood or urine sample, and tissue to search for unhealthy levels of potentially toxic metals.

How do you test for heavy metals in your body?

Heavy metals tests are based on blood, urine, tissue, and other fluids.

What are the symptoms of heavy metals in the body?

Some of the symptoms of heavy metals in the body include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, difficulty breathing, fever, and weakness.

How do you test for heavy metals in water?

Water can be tested for heavy metals by running a small sample through a metal’s sensor.

Are heavy metal tests accurate?

Yes – generally heavy metal tests are very accurate.

What foods are high in heavy metals?

Foods that are high in heavy metals include brown rice and leafy green vegetables. These foods absorb metals from water and the environment before harvest.

What foods remove heavy metals?

These foods can remove heavy metals: Cilantro, garlic, blueberries, water, lemon.


How do you get heavy metals in your body?

We can get heavy metals in our body via the food we eat, the water we drink, and in the air we breathe.

What causes heavy metals in the body?

Heavy metals could be eaten with the food we eat, the water we drink, or breathed with the air.

How do you detox your body from heavy metals?

You can detox your body from heavy metals by eating food that helps eliminate them from the body, and by stimulating the immune system to expel them by exercising.

Does cilantro remove heavy metals?

Yes – cilantro has been shown to remove heavy metals.

Does Spirulina remove heavy metals?

No – Spirulina cannot remove heavy metals, but it can protect the liver from them.

Combine HRT with a balanced nutrional diet

Vitamin Deficiency Testing

What is Vitamin Deficiency Testing?

Vitamin Deficiency Testing includes a blood and urine based test to determine levels of vitamins in the body.

How do you know if you have a vitamin deficiency?

You may feel weak or ill. The best way to know is to get tested.

Is there a home test for vitamin deficiency?

No – there aren’t any home tests for vitamin deficiency, but if you feel weak or ill, you should get tested.

What is the most common vitamin deficiency?

The most common vitamin deficiencies are Vitamin B’s, D, and C.

How do I know if my child has a vitamin deficiency?

It’s better to get your child tested if you suspect they have a vitamin deficiency, if they feel weak or ill.

How do you diagnose vitamin deficiency?

Vitamin deficiency is diagnosed by means of a laboratory blood or urine sample test.

How can you tell if you have a vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency is sometimes the cause of fatigue. But tiredness can also be cause by other factors, so it’s better to get tested.

What are the neurological symptoms of B12 deficiency?

Anemia, weakness, fatigue, swollen tongue, memory loss.


How do I know what vitamins to take?

If you are tested for vitamin deficiency you can supplement accordingly.

Is it good to take a multivitamin every day?

Taking a multivitamin every day depends on the maker of the vitamin you are taking. You must follow the instructions on the label.

What vitamins should I take every day?

Most vitamin supplement oral protocols call for daily supplementation, but it mostly depends on the maker of the vitamin. If you are supplementing your body via intravenous therapy (IV), then it will depend on the prescribing specialist.

What vitamins should you not be taken together?

There aren’t any vitamins that should not be taken together. You can take them all together, but some vitamins and minerals are better taken at different times of the day, or with meals, or on an empty stomach.