HRT + nutrition coaching gets you Enhanced Optimal Health!
We have partnered with Certified Health Coach and Clinical Advisor on Hormone Replacement Therapies, Billy Taylor, to offer you an amazing nutrition coaching program.
This program is heavily based on two principles:
- Healthy eating and lifestyle habits to get sustainable results… forever! So no quick fix to later lose your gains and gain back your losses!
- Customizable to accommodate the most demanding and busy lifestyles.
We have the tools and means to teach you how to stay fit no matter what life and work throws at you… without taking over your life. So you can scratch lack of time from your list of excuses!
You’ll need to make some lifestyle adjustments of course… but slowly and steadily, by getting the best support and follow up to keep you accountable and consistent, which is the # 1 incentive to keep you on track until you come to realize the meaning – to yourself, not others – of your own accomplishments! Then you’ll need no other incentive… but yourself!